Lixnaw CCE Notes
CCà LEAC SNÃMHA Thanks to all who helped and contributed to our Féile
Cheoil church gate collections at all Lixnaw, Irremore and Rathea masses
last weekend. Well, we are ready for Fleadh Cheoil na Mumhan and next
Sat and Sun the Ceolann will be rather quiet as we all travel to Neagh
to support all our members. We wish each and everyone the very best of
luck, to get this far is such an achievement. Thanks to all members and
their parents for all attendance and commitment and for all the grúpaÃ
cheoils and Ceilà Band we cannot thank Maura Walsh enough for her time,
interest, teaching, preparations, everything and we must also thank Mike
Kissane for his unending help with everything in the Ceolann during the
year. So from dancers to singers to comhrá to music, go nâéirà libh go
léir agus taisteal go sábháilte.