Killorglin CCE Notes
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Killorglin CCE Notes
- Jan 04,2015
Adult set dancing finished up for the Christmas break on Tuesday 16th December. It proved to be a very enjoyable night with tea and brack being served after. Also, on the night, a presentation was made by Orna Eccles (Chairperson) on behalf of the Killorglin Comhaltas Committee to John Joe & Geraldine O' Sullivan and Patrick and Kitty Joy. Both John Joe and Patrick devoted much of their time and effort to the Killorglin branch of Comhaltas, John Joe giving 24 years of service while Patrick had taught set dancing for 37 years. The committee and all our members would like to sincerely wish John Joe, Geraldine, Patrick & Kitty every good wish for the future.
Adult set dancing recommences on 13th January at 8pm in the CYMS. Children's set dancing recommences on Friday, 9th January at 7pm in the Chapel on the Hill. Grúpai Cheoil recommences on Thursday 15th January. Enquiries to Deirdre Keane 085 7326803085 7326803