Ballydonoghue CCE Notes
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Ballydonoghue CCE Notes
- Sep 28,2014
The A.G.M. was held on Sunday evening last 28th September. It was well attended. A report was given from both the music and dancing teachers and all were in agreement that the branch had a very successful year with plenty of participation at all levels in competitions. The importance of promoting comhaltas events through local media and social media was highlighted and the county PRO which is John Stack was commended on his work in this area. All information on upcoming events and competitions are available on the website: The following officers were re-elected Chairperson: Liz Mc Namara, Secretary: Jenny O Neill, Treasurer: John Nolan, Auditor: Noel Fennell, P.R.O.: Miriam Costello, Youth Officer: Kevin O Neill and the delegates to the County Board are Liz Mc Namara, Karen Trench and Katie Mc Namara Purcell. The branch teachers were thanked for their dedication and hard work. This year the music teachers are T.P. Mc Namara, Katie Mc Namara Purcell & Aoife Trench. Singing teacher is Karen Trench. Step dancing teacher is Mary O Connell and Set dancing teacher is John Stack. Sympathy was extended to katie Lucy, Joan Lane, Orla Keane, Aisling Neville & Eithne Walsh on the recent death of a family member.
Music Classes continue every Friday night at Lisselton N.S. beginning at 5pm with beginner tin whistle/fiddle & banjo, 5.30pm beginner concertina/flute and beginner button accordian at 7pm. Singing class is from 5.30 - 6.30 and Step dancing begins at 7pm.
Set Dancing Classes continue every Saturday morning at G.A.A. Clubrooms Coolard beginning at 10am. For details contact John at 087 6020990.
Please ensure that all membership forms are into Jenny O Neill (Secretary) before October 10th.