Killarney CCE

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Killarney CCE

  • Mar 12,2018

Congratulations to all our members who participated in Sult na nOg overthe weekend. I will publish a full list of winners in next week’s notes.


The Theme for St Patrick’s Day Parade this year is “Killarney You’re Looking Good”

Killarney is celebrating 60 Years of the National Tidy Town’s Competition. Our town  has ahuge tradition of participation in the Tidy Towns competition winning theoverall award in 2011 and maintaining its status as Gold Medal winner for eachof the last 14 years. 

As is the norm, it is the intention ofthe organisers to paint the town green on Saturday, March 17th .The festival can be contacted


 Our next branch meeting willbe held on Tuesday 27th March at 9pm in The Meeting room Park Road.