Killarney CCE
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Killarney CCE
- Sep 04,2016
Ongoing plans for Culture night and Trad for Trocaire.
Set dancing classes recommencing with Club Rince Ni MhangainThursday 22nd September registration in Spa clubhouse Thursday 15thSeptember from 6pm to 8pm,beginners from six years, children interested in competitions , Comhaltas membership will be organised on the night.
Our annual Church gate collection dates are 24th and 25th September all members are invited to get involved.
Music classes with Nicki and Ann McAuliffe are starting back in St Brendanâs College Saturday 8th October at 6pm.
Date for dancers diary Friday 16th September Culture night , Set dancing ceil in Fossa Community Centre 9pm, music Ui Bhriain. This is a free ceili hosted by Kerry County Council and Comhaltas Chiarrai.
Thursday 13th October is the date for our branch AGM. It is very important that all members attend as we will be discussing our plans for the year ahead. If you have an interest in our culture come along and be part of promoting all things Irish and join this prestigious organisation. Venue for this meeting will be clarified nearer the date.