Ballybunion CCE
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Ballybunion CCE
- May 01,2016
Social dancing every Tuesday in Cove cafe 7 30-9 30pm
Irish music every Saturday in Kilcoolys an every Sunday in The Railway bar
Official Launch of Fleadh Cheoil Chiarraà will be held in the Ashe Hotel on Saturday 7th May at 8pm
Opening by Seán Seosamh Oâ Conchubhair Chairman of Craobh Trá LÃ
County Fleadh 18th to 22nd May, in Tralee. The Fleadh committee are asking for volunteers for stewarding during the weekend, please contact Roisin Rice 087 2374255 or email
Fleadh Cheoil Chiarraà timetable is available on