Ballybunion CCE
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Ballybunion CCE
- Mar 13,2016
St Patricks day parade starts on Doon Road at 3pm anyone wishing to take part on CCE float be there at 2 pm.
Ceili in Kilcoolys on Sunday 20th March 3-6 music with Donie Nolan
Church gate collection takes place on 26th & 27th March at all masses
Step dancing every Saturday in Cove Cafe under 8s @11am under12s @12pm adults at 1.30
Set dancing in Kilcoolys every Wednesday 8-10
Social dancing every Tuesday night 7 30 -9.30
Irish music every Friday night in Railway bar an in Kilcoolys every Saturday night
Sliabh mish CCE charity concert in glen eagle hotel Friday April 8th at 7.30 all welcome