Sliabh Luachra Comhaltas
Music Class with Nicky McAuliffe will recommence in Gneeveguilla National School on
Monday 5th October from 6pm.
Junior Set dancing classes continue on Wednesdays 7pm to 8pm in Teach Fáilte, contact Marie Sheehan 083 0045432, for further details.
Ceoltoiri na nGleannta;
Music classes will start on Thursday
evening with beginners at 4.00pm, Intermediate class at 4.30pm and Advanced class from 5pm to 5.30.
Dancing will now be one class starting at 5.30 and finishing at 6.30.
Adult class remains on Thursday evenings from 8 to 9pm in Glenbeigh school. Contact 0862673577.
Foilmore Comhaltas is commencing its plan of activities for the coming year.
Saturday music classes at Foilmore Community centre will be resuming on 9.1.16 with Marian.
Set dancing classes back on 14.1.16.
Fossa/Two Mile 2015 - 2016
Junior set dancing classes resume on Thursday 17th Sept in Fossa Community Centre.
Junior set dancing classes resume on Thursday 17th Sept in Fossa Community Centre.
Beginners 4.30 to 5.30
Advanced 5.30 to 6.30.
For further details contact Norita 087 7424468.
Fossa/Two Mile adult set dancing classes resume on Tues 29th Sept
in Fossa Community Centre. Beginners 8pm, improvers and advanced 9pm.
Further details contact Catherine 087 6799330

Sliabh Mish Classes 2015/2016
Sliabh Mish Classes 2015/2016
Music Lessons:
Cailín OâShea: 087-9009579
Flute, Tin Whistle, Button Accordion & Concertina
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday in Castlemaine. Thursday in Firies.
Micheál OâShea: 087-6953040
Button Accordion
Saturday in Castlemaine.
Heather Grey: 085-7776850
Tin Whistle & Concertina
Friday and Saturday in Ballyfinnane/Castlemaine.
Robert Fell: 087-3330344
Uilleann Pipes
Friday and Saturday in Firies.
Reidun Schlesinger: 087-9102239
Harp, Guitar, Concertina, Accordion, Tin Whistle, Keyboard, Banjo, Mandolin
Thursday in Firies and Wednesday in Currow area.
Singing lessons:
Micheál OâShea: 087-6953040
Saturday in Castlemaine.
Heather Grey: 085-7776850
Friday and Saturday in Ballyfinnane/Castlemaine.
Set dancing:
Mary Philpott: 087-9093377
Tuesday in Ballyfinnane. Wednesday in Currow.
Causeway CCE 2105 - 2016
Children set dance classes start back on Saturday the 16th January 2016 in the hall of causeway comprehensive school from 1.30 all welcome.
Music classes start back on Friday the 8th January
2016 in Yallop's bar the causeway inn. Beginners 6pm, improves 6.30
others @7. Adults from 8pm. All the usual instruments.Children set dance classes start back on Saturday the 16th January 2016 in the hall of causeway comprehensive school from 1.30 all welcome.
Adult set dance classes start back on Monday the 11th January 2016 in the adult education centre causeway from 8pm. All welcome.
Barr Na Sraide CCE
Classes will resume on Friday 8th of January. NOTE change of venue for classes, all classes will now take place in the o Connell center, caherciveen. No change on times.
If any adults are interested in beginner classes in accordion, tin whistle or fiddle please call 0879787434 to let us know.
Killlarney CCE
Adult Set Dancing Monday 11th January in The Torc Hotel Killarney 7.30pm . Waltzing, Jiving, Foxtrot etc classes resume Killarney School of Music Thursday 14th January 7.30pm.
Set dancing classes in Spa clubhouse, Killarney , registration Sept 10th at 6pm
Teach Iosagáin, Rathmore , registration Sept 23rd at6.30pm
Knocknagree Ceili classes Registration Sept 23rd at 4.30pm
Sean nós dancing classes resume Sept 7th in Killarney School of Music, open day Sept 6th 12md - 5pm
Contact Triona Mangan 087-6808962
Step dancing classes in Brosna community centre, Registration Monday Sept 7th at 3pm
Contact Mairead Mangan. 087-6554545
Adult Set Dancing Classes in Torc Hotel. (Darbys), recommencing Monday, October 5th
Jiving, Waltzing Classes , Thursday's 7.30-8.30pm. Killarney School of Music
Contact Ann Mangan. 087 9403508
Kilcummin CCE
Kilcummin Comhaltas Branch would like to invite set dancing trainers to contact the branch if you are interested in training our set dancers for competitions in 2015/16. Please contact our branch secretary on 086 0810208 before Wednesday 9th September.
Listowel CCE
The registration for next term will take place on Saturday January 9th 2016 between 12PM and 3PM at The Seanachaí Centre in Listowel. All registrations must be completed on this date.
New members welcome."
Brosna CCE
Brosna Comhaltas Music classes will recommence on Thursday 7th of Jan in Brosna Parish Hall. Tin whistle (6.30-7.00pm), Accordion Beginners ( 7.00-7.45pm) , Accordion Advanced (7.45-8.30pm) & Concertina/ Banjo (8.30-9.00pm).
Ballylongford/Tarbert CCE
Ballylongford/Tarbert CCE
Music Classes will resume in St. Oliverâs N.S. on the Friday 8th of January 2016, this is in lieu for the class cancelled due to the storm on December 4th.
Killorglin CCE Classes
- Set Dancing and Sean nós dancing for children with Adrian Moriarty (087 9330768). Ages 5 and up. Fridays, Chapel on the Hill. Classes resume 8th January 7:30 - 9pm.
- Session Group - class with Maria Ward (087 2678024) for those who have been playing their instrument for at least a year and would like to increase their repertoire and play with others. Fridays, Seanscoil. Classes resume 15th January 4:30-5:30pm
- Grúpa Cheoil - performance class for those who have been playing a number of years and are interested in playing in a group for competitions and shows. Regular attendance is essential for this class.Contact Deirdre Keane 085 7326803
HARP, CONCERTINA - Reidun Schlesinger 087 9102239
GUITAR, DRUMMING - Cathal Flood 087 2820852
SET DANCING FOR ADULTS - Catherine Joy 087 6799330
STEP AND FIGURE DANCING CHILDREN - Clodagh Irwin 086 8040491
FIGURE DANCING FOR ADULTS - Clodagh Irwin 086 8040491
Ballydonoghue CCE
Set dancing classes resume this Thursday evening at 4 o'clock and again on Saturday morning from 11am in the GAA Clubrooms Coolard. All are welcome. Contact John Stack 0876020990
Music,singing and step dancing classes will resume Friday 15th January.
Lixnaw CCE
Details of classes resuming as follows:
Music Thurs next 7th from 5pm,
step dancing from Sat 9th 11.30am-2.30 and each wed 7.30-9.30pm,
comhrá classes Monday 11th 7.30-8.30pm,
sean-nós dancing Tue 12th 6.30-7.30pm,
English singing Wed 13th 7.30-8.30
any queries relating to any classes please contact our secretary on 7132462 or 086 1642373.
Lixnaw Comhaltas CCE date for our enrollment/registration night, it is now on Thursday 10th Sept in Lixnaw Comhaltas - Ceolann from 7 to 9pm. This is enrollment for all classes - music, step-dancing, sean-nos dancing, comhrá gaeilge.
Comhrá Gaeilge Conversational Irish
Monday 28th September
Adults & Children welcome
Tutor to be confirmed
Monday 7.30 - 8.30pm
Sean-Nós Dancing
Ranóg Ní Ghriofa Townsend
Tuesday 29th 6.30 â 7.30pm
Step Dancing Dennehy School
Bridget Walsh
Wednesday 7.30 - 9.30pm
Saturday 11.30 - 2 30pm
Traditional Music Lessons on a wide variety of instruments
Maura Walsh
Louise Bunyan
Thursday Beginners 5pm â 5.30pm
Previous Classes â as before
Music classes commence on Thursday 1st Oct at 5pm for beginners.
Traditional English Singing
Dónal Tydings
Wednesdays at 7.30pm
Anne Marie Nelligan Sean Nos Dancing
Sean Nós Dancing
Mondays: Scartaglin Heritage Center 6.30pm
Wednesdays: St. Patricks Hall, Listowel 7pm
Thursdays: Cumann Iosaph, Tralee 7.30pm
Fridays: Brosna 4.30pm
Tuesdays: Irish Step in Knocknagoshel 6pm
Thursdays:Set Dancing Scartaglin Heritage Center 6pm
Brosna Area
Multi award winning music Teacher available to teach group/one to one music lessons on the Fiddle, Banjo and Flute lessons available, contact 087 3170122,